Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Good Morning Start

Caymen slept well through the night and was able to get some much needed rest. Praise God! He had another CT scan this morning that came back normal. Today, physical and occupational therapy will evaluate his motor and movement skills. With the physical therapy they will try to get him to move and sit up with the ultimate goal of walking. Pray for great steps of progress to be made.

We are so excited and thanking God because Caymen ate some pudding with medicine in it. He will be having a barium swallow test to make sure that he can swallow properly. If everything looks good then he will be able to continue to eat on his own. Please continue to pray that he is able to swallow and will not have to get a feeding tube.

He continues to have pain in his head, but is the most awake he has been. He is currently watching the spiderman movie for a few minutes! Thank you for all your prayers during this time as we work through this process.

Please continue to pray for Ariel and Asthon, who were at home when the accident happened, and had to deal with the initial response. Thank you all so much for your prayers!

We must continue to stand on the word and promises of God.
Psalm 51:22 "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall."
1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."


  1. Praise God. That is such a great report! Mark and Tiffany, please know that Caymen, you two and Ariel and Ashton have been utmost in our prayers. The memories of Trevor and his accident are still fresh enough that we "feel" everything you are going through. God is so good and He is faithful to complete what He started. He has great things coming out of this event. It may be hard to see now, but what a testimony of His faithfulness, protection and healing you will all have. We love you and will keep praying the prayer for faith. Caymen is a well loved little boy with a big future ahead of him.

    Ron and Debi Palmer
    Whiteheart Construction

  2. Mark, Tiffany and Kids! You should know that due to many believers, and NOT just those of our own Christ Alive Church alone, There are Christians praying for Caymen and your entire family all over the world, and may number in the thousands now! Yet the Word says that whenever two are gathered in His name there He IS!! Ask and He SHALL perform It!! We are MORE than two!! BUT WE ARE ONE!!! PRAISE HIM THAT SITS ON THE THRONE, AND IS ABLE TO PROVIDE--SHAKEN DOWN AND RUNNING OVER!!! We pray that the child's pain shall be released by Him that knows our pain, was made flesh that he might know our suffering, Who died that we might live! Give praise to God for what He is doing and HAS DONE! Praise Him that said "IT IS FINISHED!!
